Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Film Synopsis

In short: This one artistic guy creates an abstract like city in an open/desert-like land, to a musical piece/track.

You could say it's somewhat like Fantasia, things moving to the score but it won't be purely classical. I will compose/produce the track and the city/structures build to the pace and rhythm of the track. So instead of this "artist", painting a landscape he builds it (almost in a magical sense), to the track like a composer.

The whole look of the character will be part arty (jeans, large shoes, scruffy hair) - part smart composer (floating cuffs around his wrists; waist coat).

It's not meant to be anything realistic but stylised, slick and edgey. He will be wielding two paintbrushes that will act as his conducting sticks, if that's what they are called..
Have been having a hectic summer but hopefully soon I'll have some concepts of the character, also after more environment research, some examples of what the finished "city" will look like. Currently at the first stages still of producing the track, it's strings, pianos, cymbals (not a lot) and drums.

More to come soon.. "watch this [blog] space"

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